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Showing posts from May, 2024

Storytime 4

  Word List: Expectations  Smite  Tent  Blasphemous  Relaxation  Confusion  Ducks Nuisance  Massacre Crumble Closet Tone deaf  Glare  Mind  Marinade  Pizza Shortcuts  Bear  Renaissance  Wildcard HuMan: Camping in the woods had these certain cliches and expectations , some reasonable, others extremely ridiculous. The calmer minds imagined sitting under an open sky and gazing up at a sky illuminated by starlight, while the bolder entities prepared themselves to smite a predator, should the situation present itself. Some imagined group sessions of spinning tall tales around the campfire while roasting marshmallows, and others thought of a lonely silence that was so delicate as to be penetrated by the crackle of steps on dry leaves. Mike wallowed in his tent nervous as to what exactly he wanted from his summer camp. He had never done this before. He was equal parts scared and excited at the promise of new memories ahead. At least, that was the opti

Storytime 3

Word List: 1. wander 2. meeting 3. eerie 4. book 5. asparagus 6. sponge 7. links 8. pain 9. resemblance 10. regulation 11. Mankad 12. trigger 13. withhold 14. dot 15. Morocco 16. absorb 17. trauma 18. Ginger 19. jhuming 20.gossip HuMan: “This ice cream is too cold”, little Jimmy said as he bit into his ice cream. Jimmy had only now fully regrown his teeth after they had fallen out weeks ago. His mother didn’t pay much attention to his complaint. Her mind was wandering elsewhere. This behavior of zoning out was common and so Jimmy didn’t take offense, and continued trying to find just the right angle to bite into the ice cream so that it would be more delightful and least painful. Jimmy and his mother were taking a simple Sunday walk in the park. It was a healthy habit they had developed. Jimmy was reluctant at first, as all children are due to laziness, but eventually he began to learn to enjoy the time away from his iPad. He would look up from his ice cream and observe a meeting of s

Storytime 2

Word List: 1. menu 2. speed 3. spices 4. tyres 5. excellent 6. essence 7. chicken 8. cheat 9. character 10. soup 11. vice 12. Robin 13. rendezvous 14. top 15. hegemony 16. polemic 17. antediluvian 18. simple 19. clinical 20. abhorrent HuMan: Glancing down at the menu , Don Corleone didn’t have much to say. The speed with which they had driven down to the establishment didn’t justify the occasion at all. Apparently, the children had scored full marks in their class tests and that was worth celebrating. They were craving a special blend of spices , poultry and gravy or more specifically Indian, something Don Corleone could thankfully afford. The tyres of his car weren’t in the most excellent condition so speeding from home to the restaurant felt like a questionable decision in hindsight, but he understood that it was the essence of administering a pretend rollercoaster through the streets of Chicago that made the journey the most ecstatic experience for the children. But were the expe

Storytime 1

Me and Goldie spent a few weeks writing up articles in the February and March of 2024. Eventually, the stress of applications + writing these weekly got to us and we stopped after four articles but we are proud of them nonetheless. The rules are simple, we would spend a day devising a list of 20 words and we then had to make a story using those twenty words. I don't remember if we were tight on the ordering of the words, but from my observation now, they seem arbitrary, so as long as all words were used in the article, it was fine. We then rated each other's work, and it was nice. Wish it was less burdensome though, but it was fun while it lasted. This is the first and the remaining 3 posts will be in this series. Enjoy! Word List: 1. Bartheimer 2. Radiance 3. Malicious 4. Abstract 5. Smell 6. Martini 7. Electric 8. Girl 9. Spy 10. Mantra 11. Watt 12. America 13. Cliffside 14. Nicholas 15. Arcade 16. Franchise 17