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Showing posts from July, 2024

Cinnabon Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory

  There is some wisdom here that tells me to upload the review of this before anything else because I am afraid I might forget what mental notes I made about the cheesecake. So ok, this is my first of 5 drafts, I have many articles lined up after this.  It was my birthday on 11 July, but I was quite busy back then, so I instead redeemed by free Cheesecake Factory slice on the 25th of July. I had a wonderful day, and I journaled it all so if anyone is interested  feel free to leave a like or a comment, and I might share that entry.  Focussing back, the cheesecake pictures above is a recommendation of the bartender there. I had come there twice before and tried the coconut cheesecake, and another flavor I am not able to properly recall. But I remember they were very stuffy. I had gone with one other person first, and then 2 other people, and it was hard both times to complete the cake. So I was aware that if I planned to have the cheesecake at 3 PM, I would have to make sure my lunch was


Maharaja is a simple story of a father. This is a spoiler review, so yea. Look away if you haven't already seen it. As stated a million times everywhere, the screenplay of Maharaja is the standout feature. It is only a layer on top of a simple story of a father, and his vengeance for his daughter. I initially found it very engaging up until the 3/4th mark before the reveal that he was in fact not the one who was assaulted, because it was pretty obvious from the get go, that it was either something in the dustbin, or about the dustbin that he finds so fascinating. So the mystery of what this man was talking about, coupled with many instances of humor kept me quite engaged. Of course, if it was revealed early on in the film that such atrocities were performed on the girl, the movie would not have been able to hold it's comedic tone for any length of time after that.  After the reveal of the break in and the rape however, I was struck with a wave of sadness. Which is good, I think

The Kite Runner

  Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner is probably the most heart wrenching story I have read. I associate it with multiple punches to the gut, that made me wanna throw the book away in disgust with what human's could do to each other, and then be drawn back to it. I didn't want to see redemption, as the book is often hailed as, I wanted to see how people carry on with their pain and their memories. Amir, the protagonist and the narrator shifts from a tone of being reminiscent to a tone that is equal parts shocked, scared, and motivated.  I feel like I can barely say anything new about this book, other than the generic words that are all over the marketing. 'Powerful... Haunting... Guilt... Redemption...'. So let's take a different route with this. My review is that I think it's a good book. It's has a weak movie and a worse on stage performance. But let's focus on what this book can mean for me. Or for anyone who has childhood trauma. Because the centr