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Showing posts from 2019

HuMan's thoughts on: How to Train Your dragon: The Hidden World

You know, I for one really agree with how this movie is called “The Hidden World” and not just part 2, like its predecessor. How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World is in very little ways a full sequel, more like a stretched epilogue so it’s easier to say goodbye to your favorite lovable characters, I have been a fan of this franchise ever since the first How to Train Your Dragon came out. I absolutely loved the characters and also related them all to real people in my life. So it really got me thinking as to why this movie wasn’t just called part 3. Now, to be honest I wasn’t very impressed when I first saw the trailer. The featuring of a female white light fury seemed like a bit of a stretch to me and I was afraid that my favorite franchise would end in steaming hot mess. However, gladly that is not the case, on the contrary, it just serves as a super satisfying end to the series. The light fury can sometimes manage to come off as very annoying but otherwise she is kept to a

HuMan's thoughts on: Bumblebee

Bumblebee is a heartfelt movie that shifts the focus of the transformers franchise from being just a compilation of Michael Bay explosions to being a sensitive story of a connection between 2 beings, who have both lost something significant and are having trouble adapting to changing environments. The movie stars my new celebrity crush Hailee Steinfeld who had recently also been in the marvelous Spiderverse as Spider-woman. Although she is showered in makeup to look like she is 18, she still manages to give a performance which really radiates the feelings of her character. Also, playing the lead role here makes her even more loveable. The impressive opening consisting of Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Cybertron and the beautiful well-choreographed scenes definitely give it the kickstart to keep the audience engaged throughout the remaining runtime of the movie.   Very few scenes which are generally used for exposition are interesting at first but on second viewing feel draggy and w

HuMan's thoughts on: Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel is a movie that unfortunately fails to deliver a specific theatrical experience we have come to expect from most Marvel movies these days. The action seems to come from a lazy Michael Bay movie consisting of random explosions and action that never really engages. So the IMAX experience for this movie I would say is definitely not worth it. However, this can be very much overlooked since what defines this movie is a satisfying and pretty interesting origin story. It has silly little tie-ins which don’t matter too much since it is all based in 1995 and exercises full creative freedom to present a decent origin story. I would like to address all the hate this movie received, I simply cannot ignore all the bad publicity it had gotten from getting a rough start on the Tomatometer to making a few people feel left out. It was what many described a PR nightmare. Now all this did very much influence my expectation when going in. I had not seen any of the trailers and