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HuMan's thoughts on: How to Train Your dragon: The Hidden World

You know, I for one really agree with how this movie is called “The Hidden World” and not just part 2, like its predecessor. How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World is in very little ways a full sequel, more like a stretched epilogue so it’s easier to say goodbye to your favorite lovable characters, I have been a fan of this franchise ever since the first How to Train Your Dragon came out. I absolutely loved the characters and also related them all to real people in my life.
So it really got me thinking as to why this movie wasn’t just called part 3. Now, to be honest I wasn’t very impressed when I first saw the trailer. The featuring of a female white light fury seemed like a bit of a stretch to me and I was afraid that my favorite franchise would end in steaming hot mess. However, gladly that is not the case, on the contrary, it just serves as a super satisfying end to the series.
The light fury can sometimes manage to come off as very annoying but otherwise she is kept to a very specific, minimum and dedicated role and the main story still, in a very lovable tone focuses on Hiccup and Toothless’s relationship.
Getting in the heart and soul of the movie, you may also notice the presence of some villain who for some reason has a generic role but is so sidelined, he is almost too forgettable. I can’t even remember his name right now, that’s how forgettable he is. Even the characters in the movie don’t give a shit about him. Drago was so much more intimidating.

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Overall, I think this could have gone better, much better. But for what it’s worth I’m not all that disappointed and it manages to leave you just happy enough to not dislike it. I do hope so that there will be a HTTYD 3 which really delivers as a sequel, the way HTTYD 2 did, but for now I guess this movie, and the Netflix tv show will have to do.


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