Bumblebee is a heartfelt movie that shifts the focus of the transformers
franchise from being just a compilation of Michael Bay explosions to being a
sensitive story of a connection between 2 beings, who have both lost something
significant and are having trouble adapting to changing environments.
The movie stars my new celebrity crush Hailee Steinfeld who
had recently also been in the marvelous Spiderverse as Spider-woman. Although she
is showered in makeup to look like she is 18, she still manages to give a
performance which really radiates the feelings of her character. Also, playing
the lead role here makes her even more loveable.
The impressive opening consisting of Optimus Prime,
Bumblebee and Cybertron and the beautiful well-choreographed scenes definitely give
it the kickstart to keep the audience engaged throughout the remaining runtime
of the movie. Very few scenes which are generally
used for exposition are interesting at first but on second viewing feel draggy
and well, just “expository”. Many things are left unexplained but they are too
minor to even care about and at most times Hailee Steinfeld seems to be
stealing the spotlight, so who even cares about what’s going on.

However, one aspect keeps Bumblebee from being fully
appreciated, the history of its franchise, the fact that we have had so many
unforgiving transformers sequels. Though Bumblebee is good, it’s unfortunately
as good to compensate for it’s history of insulting transformers sequels. I’m a
transformers fan as in I have seen a lot of TV shows and played transformers video
games and therefore as a fan I refuse to forgive Hasbro for what they have done
to all the transformers. It will take atleast 4 good transformers movies to
satisfy me. ;)
Haunted by a grim past, Bumblebee might just be the comeback
transformers fan have been expecting for years. By changing it’s tone and focusing
on certain aspects, Bumblebee gives out a satisfying performance while
remaining intact. The fact that more sequels are being hinted at in the movie
are a sigh of relief rather than despair.
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