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Showing posts from October, 2022

HuMan's thoughts on: The Sea Beast

I have previously reviewed How to train your dragon on this blog. The third part to be specific. And in that I said I wasn't particularly fond of it because it felt less like a sequel and more like an add on or spinoff. Well, since then I have come to appreciate the fact that at least HTTYD never became a knockoff of itself the way Ice Age did and lost its initial identity in the process. The sea beast however, does that for HTTYD.  The Sea Beast features most notably the voice of Karl Urban, someone I recognize from the TV show The Boys, which is just fantastic in its own way. Regardless, one can barely tell who Karl Urban plays in this movie as his voice is as generic as possible. He rocks an Australian accent in the Boys and I honestly don't know if that is his real accent but that was what I was expecting. Either way, weak voice acting aside, all of the characters seem to lack polish in their personalities. There is nuance here and there in the plot, but overall they aren&#

HuMan's thoughts on: George Orwell's 1984

Recently, I had a quick fleeting recommendation to peruse George Orwell's 1984. Its increasing relevance in today's time period as social media sites and technology aim to do precisely that which is described in this book contains more forethought than one would expect from a writer during the industrial revolution. So I picked it up, as in, I downloaded an epub file from the internet and employed my trustee Google Books app to create a simulation of the book on my phone and completed it in a mere 5 days. Without giving too much away, the base premise basically describes modern-day China. In that, every single person living is under a regime that is constantly watching them. 1984 has a slight bit of confusion though.  Before it can really embed itself upon me as genuinely being a good book, it first has to decide what kind of book it is. 1984 takes ample time and liberal descriptions to describe each and every contemplation of thought that goes on in our protagonist's mind