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Showing posts from 2018

HuMan's thoughts on: Captain America:Civil War

As mentioned in a previous post, Captain America: Civil War is to date my favorite MCU movie. This movie had everything that I had hoped it would and gave me an ending I could possibly never anticipate. If you still don’t have the ending spoiled for you, my advice don’t waste any time- go and watch the movie already. It presents the events in such perfect harmony you can’t help but feel engaged, and with we go to the pros of this movie: As mentioned already, a major plus point was perfect distribution between certain plot points. Whatever it is the movie is delivering to you, be it dialogues and diplomacy or guns blazing-fast clashing action madness, the amazingly beautiful direction makes it very satisfying. This feature flick succeeds at exactly what other films failed, and by fail you know I’m talking about BvS. Going deep into why BvS failed was 2 simple points: 1. Completely boring and unjustified fight sequences and, 2. Sloppy and not-so-surprising introduction to

HuMan's thoughts on : Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers: Infinity War is my second favorite Marvel movie right after Captain America: Civil War, or how I like to refer to it as Avengers 2.5. Up until now, a disturbing trend Marvel has been following with respect to their Avengers movies has been the fact that rather than fighting the villain, a large segment of the movies are the heroes fighting amongst themselves, and the plot taking a random heroic turn and in the end everyone gets a happily ever after. Thank God for us, Avengers: Infinity War isn’t like that. Though the roster for this movie is absolutely humongous, the scenes are handled so well you just can’t seem to get bored by it. In contrary to Avengers: Age of Ultron which made me so sleepy I didn’t even notice most details of that movie. So let’s get into this spoiler free review. Directed by the Russo Brothers, this movie’s lead roles are taken by Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Benedict Cumberbatch (Dr. Stephen Strange), Josh Brolin (Thanos), Zoe Saldana (Gamo

HuMan's thoughts on Marvel Comics: Ultimatum

If you ever asked a comic enthusiast what he/she thought of the Ultimatum comics, chances are they will probably have hated it, and for good reason. If you haven’t read the comic I strongly recommend for you to read it, obviously not because of how good it is but only to get a taste of what bad writing and terrible art looks like. And if you can’t seem to spare enough time for that, lucky you, I’ve got you covered, just beware mild spoilers ahead (Not that it matters though). Written by Jeph Loeb and art by David Finch, this series of events takes place in the ‘Ultimate Universe’ or Earth-1610. Ever wanted your favorite heroes to have minimal involvement in the plot and experience unnecessarily gruesome deaths? If you said yes, then you are probably an emo and are extremely edgy. Just kidding, if you are reading my blog then you are awesome! Regardless, let’s get down to reviewing. Can’t seem to think of anything but if you are interested in looking at your favorite female cha


As my first post to this blog,  I would like to take the opportunity to thank my loving parents and family members from whom I have developed a skill of writing and enthusiasm to express myself on a public platform. I would also like to thank Blogger (#notsponsored) for making it so easy to get started. If the intro above isn’t clear enough, some basic information about me would be that I am an entertainment fanatic. Anything that gives me even a grain of pleasure can attract my attention and get me to be easily addicted to it. Hence, the idea to start this blog comes with the fact that groaning on about what I like ALL the time is not what I consider good behavior nor would I want my friends and family to feel overwhelmed by me constantly going on about my own interests, trust me I know people who I myself get overwhelmed by. An easy and simple description of me would be that I am an introvert, who is also a geek, in a family that seems more than social, hence this blog acts like my