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HuMan's thoughts on: Captain America:Civil War

As mentioned in a previous post, Captain America: Civil War is to date my favorite MCU movie. This movie had everything that I had hoped it would and gave me an ending I could possibly never anticipate. If you still don’t have the ending spoiled for you, my advice don’t waste any time- go and watch the movie already. It presents the events in such perfect harmony you can’t help but feel engaged, and with we go to the pros of this movie:

As mentioned already, a major plus point was perfect distribution between certain plot points. Whatever it is the movie is delivering to you, be it dialogues and diplomacy or guns blazing-fast clashing action madness, the amazingly beautiful direction makes it very satisfying.

This feature flick succeeds at exactly what other films failed, and by fail you know I’m talking about BvS. Going deep into why BvS failed was 2 simple points:

1. Completely boring and unjustified fight sequences and,
2. Sloppy and not-so-surprising introduction to new characters.

 Civil War actually has a lot in common with BvS, other than the superhero clash. The plot takes a few similar turns with Lex Luthor and Zemo doing the same villain roles and them going on about having government control over heroes. However, both of them have such a different tone and such a different ending, it is the lasting impact that truly defines what you will feel upon viewing the movie.

Civil War introduces never before seen Black Panther who shines on the big screen in his black suit and also a newer younger rebooted spider-man who works convincingly well in regards to the Sam Raimi trilogy (obviously the best). Both of these characters surprise not just us but also the characters in the movie itself, their powers though still human provide such a different action viewpoint you are bound to be hooked.

Though the trailers and all promote the airport fight sequence as the endgame, it surprisingly isn’t, there is still so much to see and love that just can’t be explained in writing and hence I leave you to enjoy those few final scenes. I won’t talk too much about the airport scene since it is special in its own standpoint and it has too many, now iconic scenes which must not be spoilt including gags referring to all the animal named heroes and others to more shocking scenes of the movie.
Enough Lovey-Dovey, what were the more disappointing parts of the movie? You say.

As perfect as I wish this movie was, no movie is. Certain scenes namely the ignition of Iron Man towards hating himself and other freelancers and a church funeral seem like real drags and in others, you can actually kind of see Captain lose interest and just go back to reading his magazine. 

Specifically, the starting few unfortunate minutes may seem to be confusing to newer viewers and at the same time aren’t even that important at all.

Often diplomacy isn’t shown as diplomacy and rash decisions are undertaken by our seemingly perfect heroes, which comes as disappointing to me in regards to how perfectly some of them had handled losses in previous movies. Also, some betrayals seemed more than predictable which gives a sense of a fortune teller but that’s not what I wanna be, I just wanna enjoy the movie.

And finally in the end, one final complaint is how Marvel tried to end this film with a stupid note that was meant to imply that everything is fine which just negates itself, like seriously this movie is called Civil War I hope they never talk to each other ever again, but I guess you gotta do something to keep the money flowing in, huh Marvel?.


A well-displayed roster of characters and an extremely strong plot with seemingly over the top consequences give to it a perfect score of 5/5 in my opinion. Civil War has its own faults but they are too minor to define the experience as bad.

As a side note, this movie hits high on the list for me because at the time it released I was going through a phase and it gave me an amazing escape from real life. 2 years from then I am now better than ever and really content about the fact that this movie even exists.


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