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An Ode to Video games

 Boredom can give rise to a lot of things, for me lately, an addiction to writing has really gotten to my head. So here, just a little something I ended up typing to my friend Shruti in a matter of 30 mins when I thought she was offline (But somehow wasn't):


I want something, that which i cannot say,

I want something, that which i cannot describe,

I want something, that which i cannot ask for,

I want something, something prehistoric, something atavistic, something uncultured,

Remnants of a past hobby,

Withered, but present,

With influence so grand, so emminent, so irresistible

One that engenders shivers, goosebumps, and naive exploitable excitement

A grating decay of a plane, damp sounds of battering bones and swift stabs that atrophy

Explosions that stupor, stories that inspire, and zombies that devour

Not trite, not grindy, but one with an end

Not limited, not unfathomable, but lovable

Addicting, but not degrading

Reviving not enervating

One that tests skills, not temper and tolerance

Gauges grip, flexibility, and memory

One that teleports, transcends, and sensitizes

Through the ups and downs, canyons and plateaus, spaces and oceans, galaxies and heavens

With the pining of those gone, and embracing the ones who aren't

The silent protective volitions for some and merciless inconsiderate gratifying executions for others

The shifting gears, cocking guns or charging plasmas

That wake a beast that only yearns for more

I want something, which cannot be delivered

I want something, which does not exist

I want something, which i will want, till the end of my days

                                                                        THANK YOU


- The last line can be improved upon so much.


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