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Showing posts from May, 2022

HuMan's thoughts on: Moon Knight

 Moon Knight has to be the first MCU show I actively procrastinated on. I was busy with college and exams and honestly, it seemed like a luxury time thing. And it was, I saw it soon after my exams, my Mumbai trip, once everything wrapped up I ordered a burger and a Belgian waffle and sat down for a 6 episode long binge with 0 interruptions.  All MCU shows seem to run this formulaic course of action, where the 4th episode is generally the mind-blowing containing element. It isn't different here however the 4th episode contains the key to what is actually going on. So the first 3 episodes I was very confused. It doesn't introduce any of the characters and doesn't establish any backgrounds. The first episode launches our protagonist into the clutches of the villain and we just keep drawing our conclusions as the episodes keep running. As much as it can be put off as clever writing it can be pretty off-putting especially since I need to know what I am watching. Epic fights and

Reviews from HuMan's Instagram

  Originally Published: 4th January 2021 Movie: Tenet I actually liked Tenet. Kat looked really hot and captivating, and yes, it did counteract the extreme unnecessary and forced evilness of Andrei Sator. Priya also had an engaging on-screen presence. The Protagonist seems so lost yet trained for the entirety of Tenet. And Neil has to be the best part about Tenet. As for the movie, it is depicted and treated in a very filler or prologue kind of way. You know how in Nolan's Batman each movie felt independent and enjoyable on its own, Tenet feels like the upcoming follow-up will truly and properly explain and do justice to Tenet. However, it waits to reason whether or not the public is willing to wait. I really did still love the sci-fi concept of it. It felt new and unexplored. Something I would watch more if better refined. Maybe next time focus less on the logic and just get to the epic action set pieces pls Nolan. Originally Published: 5th January 2021 Movie:  WW84 Are u fucking

HuMan's Book Review: Go Suck a Lemon by Michael Cornwall

  Going through life's ups and downs one eventually in today's times resorts to self help books. Prior to this one I read The Secret. The main point of The Secret over its entire run was to think positive and to think of only good outcomes and to manifest it to yourself. Letting the power of the universe serve you. Go Suck a Lemon isn't much different. Repeating one ideal over and over again till it embeds itself into your natural thinking and instincts seems to be a pattern that works pretty effectively. However while The Secret comprehensively bombards you with examples from all walks of life and all accounts of individuals from various backgrounds who are all in their own right successful, Go Suck a Lemon is a much more personal account of Dr. Micharl Cornwall. So much so it also includes a whole chapter deticated to his down syndrome sister who taught him a good few lessons on emotional intelligence. The mantra repeated in this book is of taking ownership of our emotion