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Reviews from HuMan's Instagram


Originally Published: 4th January 2021

Movie: Tenet

I actually liked Tenet. Kat looked really hot and captivating, and yes, it did counteract the extreme unnecessary and forced evilness of Andrei Sator. Priya also had an engaging on-screen presence. The Protagonist seems so lost yet trained for the entirety of Tenet. And Neil has to be the best part about Tenet.

As for the movie, it is depicted and treated in a very filler or prologue kind of way. You know how in Nolan's Batman each movie felt independent and enjoyable on its own, Tenet feels like the upcoming follow-up will truly and properly explain and do justice to Tenet. However, it waits to reason whether or not the public is willing to wait.

I really did still love the sci-fi concept of it. It felt new and unexplored. Something I would watch more if better refined. Maybe next time focus less on the logic and just get to the epic action set pieces pls Nolan.

Originally Published: 5th January 2021

Movie: WW84

Are u fucking serious?!?! This?! After 2017s Wonder Woman this is what i get. This?!? A butt load of shitty CGI combined with weird costume choices on top of the weakest villain arcs i have ever seen.

Seriously Gal Gadot feels so wasted in this. She is gorgeous and elegant but the writing fails her miserably, as both she and Kristen are made to play roles that severely hurt both their characters. It could really have been done better. Especially after the amazing movie that was 2017s Wonder Woman. If i had to say looking past what is seen on screen. It was all the plots fault. Too weak and too many plotholes in it to make it feel complete and satisfying.

Originally Published: 6th January 2021

Movie: AK vs AK

Heres the thing. A 'mockumentary' needs to be more than just snappy and brutally honest. It has to be a good movie also. Or atleast, that's what my ezpectation for AK vs AK was. I thought it would be a good thriller. Kidnappings and seemingly unsettling torture scenes and what not. You know what this reminded me of, those cross over ads that come on Star Plus, which seem super extra and unnecessary, over which die hard fans just start drooling.

Honestly AK vs AK feels more like fan service than a movie. It's there to present a meta ideal, and meta story but no actual plot. Hence, theres no real payoff to it all. Cant even rate it cuz of how inconsistent it is between reality and fiction. Or maybe.... thats what it is all abt.

Originally Published: 7th January 2021

Movie: The Lighthouse (2019)

Right. So this. Its uhhhh. Weird. I like weird. But this one tends to go a little too far. Like theres a scene where its implied that cum is dripping which is just...... Eww. Either way it is actually a kinda adaptation of a poem i remember called the Rime of the Ancient Mariner. It was a good poem as in it showed how bad omen attacked a man who did a bad deed. Same setting as that. The Lighthouse just puts all that into a visual. And most of it is good, but its main purpose is to show this despair and emptiness and the performances are great, but a plot and set limited to a lighthouse and displays of pain and misery can only show so much. In terms of comedy, all it has to offer are random farts. I honestly dont recommend it. Better to go and read the poem it takes inspiration from. Because The Lighthouse fails to deliver anything memorable, other than a sick fantasy really.

Originally Published: 8th January 2021

Movie: Ludo

This was finally a good entertaining movie i have seen in a long long time. Like i genuinely miss enjoying a movie so much. It is pure joy watching 4 different storylines coincide effortlessly with each other. The comedy is genuine and fresh, and on par with todays style. A lot of the context and continuity may not feel consistent and authentic but its a very minor issue in comparison to the amazing amounts of happiness watching this is. Its fun, relatable and has very clear depictions and motives for all its characters. Fantastic. Very much recommend for everyone to watch.

Originally Published: 9th January 2021

Movie: Souls

Disney Pixar's Soul is a different kind of experience than the ones we come to expect from Pixar. It certainly isnt like Toy Story or Finding Nemo as it focusses more on 2 central characters than anything else. The world and universe revolves around them and eventually i felt like even though so much screen time is given to them, the plot is much more simpler to follow if you have had an experience like that. See, personally im still super young, i got tons to see and experience and hell im not ready to die either. But i dont know what i would miss out on if i died right now. There isnt a goal that im fixated on so much it would piss me off to die early or before achieving it.

Soul in my opnion is for a very mature audience, one that can sympathise with the protagonist. Otherwise it feels like a loose narration of a person who forgot the true essence of living. And havent we seen that a gzillion times before.

Originally Published: 10th January 2021

Movie: Megamind

Megamind was one of the animations i saw as a child which i simply could not forget. It has unique memorable characters with a variety of characteristics and an important message about how people are going to judge you based on looks, but in the end its always gonna boil down to your choice of actions. It is funny, simple and quick about what it wants to convey.

Also just sayin, Roxanne is a very cliche beautiful female character and at times she feels like a role used to just encourage the boys, but the movie still manages to make her presence notable using great dialogues and a screen time worthy of being a lead role. So Megamind is a must watch, for especially your kid who might learn to accept people the way they are. And maybe in the process we can avoid making another supervillain mogul on earth rn.

Originally Published: 12th January 2021

Movie: Tangled

Tangled: A magical tangled web of witty humour, exemplary voice acting and an unforgettably inspired, yet original script. I first saw Tangled when i was 9 and all i did was cringe through its runtime while my sis obssessed over Flynn Ryderand his charming loyalty and 'good heart', one that clearly isnt influenced by his not so good actions. But i digress, Tangled is a memory in my life. One that when i look back i see how much i have grown, changed and how much romantic situations i myself have found myself in. I see Tangled now and its a beautiful love story that feels natural and the feelings you have towards it are of pity andregret of how selfish people deprive the world of treasures. Learning along the way about how undeserving we are of certain blessings in life.

Tangled is different from its fellow movie types. Being a Disney movie an aura floats around it. About how it. Will follow the usual tropes of love and romance and the hero doing hero things and the girl doing distress things, and it does all that but better and Rapunzel takes a few shots of heroism along the way which are certainly the most powerful moments of Tangled. Every scene, every dialogue of Tangled builds to a climax that is unforgettable and unforgiving. If u havent seen Tangled and dont know about the finale, i highly recommend you see it before it gets spoiled for you. You can only ever experience these rare jaw dropping moments in very certain movies only once.

Originally Published: 13th January 2021

Movie: Django Unchained

Django Unchained: Ever since my sister discovered her own niche of movies she really liked, she has been recommending only one movie to both me and her fiance consistently. 'Pulp Fiction', Quentin Tarantino's breakthrough title is what motivated us to sit through Django Unchained. Another one of Quentin's epic display of over the top scenes with exaggerated set pieces and dialogues. Im gonna be honest. Movies based on racism seem extremely targetted and generally i tend to lose interest mostly because a lot of it seems like it isnt relatable and hence not important. But not Django Unchained. Django is part parody of white supremacy, and part extreme displays of heroism of Jamie Foxx as the hero of our story.

I was watching this with my sis, and man! This is hilarious! Its hilarious, original and honest when it needs to be. The ending seemed random and a little unsatisfying tbh but it still manages to keep its charm till then. It has gotten me interested in Pulp Fiction more though. Although im honestly waiting on the right time to watch it. All in all, django is epic. Its awesome, funny and a joyride to watch. And last but not the least. Leo Dicaprio memes. Hehe.

Originally Published: 24th January 2021

Movie: WandaVision (Eps 1,2,3)

WandaVision (1, 2 and 3) : If this review were written after me watching eps 1 and 2, my views would have been pretty different but damn. Does ep 3 bring it all back into focus. Eps 1 and 2 felt weak in the sense i couldnt put my finger as to why it all exists and why im even watching. But now after ep3 i realise we are experiencing it all by Visions eyes. It loos like Vision is Wanda's prisoner and that idea has me hella hooked. Cant wait for more to come as honestly im fairly afraid of forming opinions and judgements right now cuz it seems like major twists and exposition awaits and i cant wait for all that. All that i want to see is how Marvel can make all that explaining simple, easy and interesting to watch.

Originally Published: 19th February 2021

Movie: WandaVision (Eps 4,5,6,7)

WandaVision episodes 4,5,6 and 7: Whew. Damn is this show a rollercoaster. Although episode 7 felt majorly calmed down after 4,5 and 6. The writing is hell bent on presenting a plot and story which you will never see coming. That is WandaVision's strong point. However, it begs the question about its rewatchability. So far i havent rewatched any of the episodes even though they absokutely blew my mind a lot of times. Friendly tip though, dont watch it alone. Get you a a girlfriend or if u dont have that a partner who is either watching it with you or watches it at the same time as you. The theorising and the weekly discussions are just satisfying and fill my soul with contentness. Overall, WandaVision still has 2 more episodes left and it has a lot of expectations to live up to. Will it live up to them? Or will phase 4 kick off with a very underwhelming start? It all remains to be seen. So far? WandaVision is presenting an experience like no other which has made me audibly gasp at my laptop screen. Its gooooood.

Originally Published: 21st February 2021

Movie: Abominable

Abominable is a nice sweet laid back movie about a simple journey. Nothing too flashy or bizarre or even memorable. It makes for a good movie night with the kids due to tons of adorableness and amazing animation quality. This movie was suggested by a friend. She is a sweetie, she gives off major roughened vibes and initially tried to convince me she doesnt really care for things much. To her dismay, we have many mutual friends so that didnt work😂. Her and i arent very different, as in i used to be like her. A vibe that scares off assholes intending evil before we can get to know them. A preference of being alone, though her reasons dont match mine very much.

My neice loved Abominable so trying to get her interested in cleaning up her english gets easier with movie suggestions like these😂.

All in all watch it once in ur free time cuz why not. Otherwise not something to make time for.

Originally Published: 25th June 2021

Movie: Loki (Eps:

Loki (1,2,3): Damn, it has been a while since I've written one of these. Sorry guys, time flies here and I've been a mess vis a vis hating Instagram toxicity on my main account. I didn't even get to finish my lasting impression on WandaVision. Unfortunately, I don't remember enough any that show's end to write a full review on it now but I can tell you guys this. It was Marvelous. hehe

Sorry. Regardless, the ending was great. Recommend WandaVision for any general Marvel fan. Soon after that in my absence, Falcon and Winter Soldier came out. it started out promising but ended terribly. if I'm inclined to I might make a whole separate post on that. But I distressed bad cuz this post is about Loki. I didn't originally intend to watch it every week but my cousin nagged me any is followed by one of my friends who randomly texted one night. then j really couldn't resist. And so I succumbed to the eternal damnation that is Marvel content. Loki is good tho. It's a simple view in a very complex setting and that makes it comfortable to watch without feeling stupid or like a noob. One of my favorite ideas that have been implied so far is that Loki has a worldview so similar to us but he handles it so differently. Blinding yourself to the darkness is one thing but owning it and then using it as fuel to gain success in fields, now that's the dream. Do I wanna be like Loki? Idk. Maybe. He seems virtually unhurt by anything and that is super badass.

Some newer elements introduced are fun enough so do watch it. It's a blast. And you know. I know nobody reads these so it's kinda like my diary. A diary that updates once in 6 months. I can't guarantee I'll be consistent from now but ill try?

P.S.: Find me on instagram @hm_captionreviews


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