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Showing posts from June, 2022

Practice Makes Perfect

  In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important contributions. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. Can anyone ever definitively answer the question what was there in the beginning? Not specifically the beginning of something in particular, generally, in the beginning of anything. In some sense the inchoates of anything is a beginner. From objects like constituent components like gases forming massive planets, to the first innovator who built the wheel. Everything, both as a concept, and everyone, was at some point a beginner. Even a human being that starts of as an obnoxious inquisitive child involuntarily in search of their own passions. And it stands to

Let Frugality Be Your Guide

  The following appeared as a recommendation by a committee planning a ten-year budget for the city of Calatrava. "The birthrate in our city is declining: in fact, last year's birthrate was only one-half that of five years ago. Thus the number of students enrolled in our public schools will soon decrease dramatically, and we can safely reduce the funds budgeted for education during the next decade. At the same time, we can reduce funding for athletic playing fields and other recreational facilities. As a result, we will have sufficient money to fund city facilities and programs used primarily by adults, since we can expect the adult population of the city to increase." Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument. The committee’s proposal to deduct funds from the educational sector comes with more than just a few holes. The proposal is based on bold risk

Blue Commutes

  The following appeared in a letter to the editor of a local newspaper. "Commuters complain that increased rush-hour traffic on Blue Highway between the suburbs and the city center has doubled their commuting time. The favored proposal of the motorists' lobby is to widen the highway, adding an additional lane of traffic. But last year's addition of a lane to the nearby Green Highway was followed by a worsening of traffic jams on it. A better alternative is to add a bicycle lane to Blue Highway. Many area residents are keen bicyclists. A bicycle lane would encourage them to use bicycles to commute, and so would reduce rush-hour traffic rather than fostering an increase." Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument. Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation and the arg

Luxury and Contemporary Life

  The luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. It seems to be true, what someone once said about the cycle of influence of man upon their progeny. “Strong men bring good times, good times breed weak men, weak men make bad times, and bad times give birth to strong men”. Contemporary life brings with it the luxuries and conveniences that rear weak men. It hinders and makes unnecessary for any person to grow into a strong, independent, disciplined individual. Throughout history it has been observed,decades of decadence that damned whole empires and colonies. The Indian subcontinen

An Ode to Video games

 Boredom can give rise to a lot of things, for me lately, an addiction to writing has really gotten to my head. So here, just a little something I ended up typing to my friend Shruti in a matter of 30 mins when I thought she was offline (But somehow wasn't): Yknow, I want something, that which i cannot say, I want something, that which i cannot describe, I want something, that which i cannot ask for, I want something, something prehistoric, something atavistic, something uncultured, Remnants of a past hobby, Withered, but present, With influence so grand, so emminent, so irresistible One that engenders shivers, goosebumps, and naive exploitable excitement A grating decay of a plane, damp sounds of battering bones and swift stabs that atrophy Explosions that stupor, stories that inspire, and zombies that devour Not trite, not grindy, but one with an end Not limited, not unfathomable, but lovable Addicting, but not degrading Reviving not enervating One that tests skills, not temper a

HuMan preps for the GRE

 Continuing with the next phase of my life, I am now nearing the end of my graduation after a 4 year engineering degree. I guess, there really isn't any harm in dreaming big because well, I am now going to try to move out, again. Growing up in Kuwait towards my 18th birthday I was really getting sick and bored of the comfort and that happened to be at the perfect time to start my engineering in MANIT Bhopal. Since then I have been fairly inactive on this blog, I've become mentally healthier, I have gained friends and learnt what it's like to be a good friend too. It's been a long ride, one that at some point I was ready to write a book on, since the last 2 years especially have been exhausting, with dengue, jaundice, multiple infections, it has been quite a ride.  Anyway, I am in full flow of preparing for my GRE exam now to pursue further studies in a master's program abroad, most probably the USA, but let us see. I am ready to keep my options open. This blog's

HuMan's thoughts on: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

  Doctor Strange back in 2016 was arguably one of the most visually bizarre cinematic experiences. That was until 2018's infinity war and afterward every MCU movie aimed only to one-up one another in terms of graphical spectacles. The focus, however, of that movie was very well balanced. It didn't linger on the scene with the butterfly in space. There was the whole arc of Dr. Stephen Strange going from arrogant surgeon to one who attains enlightenment as destiny to protect our universe as we know it.  The threat he faced was Dormammu, a multi-dimensional entity that devoured and enslaved civilizations (rang some bells very similar to Galactus from F4 back then). The doctor now faces a unique problem. A fellow avenger hell-bent on acquiring a power I will not describe to avoid spoilers. But, keep in mind, that watching WandaVision helps experience this movie from Wanda's point of view. Otherwise, it ends up looking like Dr. Strange stopping someone from doing wrong. The stro

HuMan's thoughts on: The WItcher (Netflix)

  At this point, it is either common knowledge or one of Henry Cavill's most attractive traits that he is a gamer. At least to me, it is. The guy was severely misused as Superman and according to recent news, he is humble and innocent enough that he sold the rights to his face to Netlfix (I honestly expected from Netflix). But anyway, putting aside the suspicious decisions being taken by Netlfix as of late I wanted to talk about seasons 1 and 2 of The Witcher. Season 3 will be coming soon, and so will The Boys but I ended up watching the first season during my exams to destress and the 2nd one on my train return trip from Mumbai.  I thought it was amazing! The extreme levels of sci-fi explored in the show were something if asked to me directly I'd make a face that emanates an emotion resembling the phrase "ew", but no. I think I felt that way because the show only focuses on its strong fictional ties to the books only to describe basic details but rarely do they dwell